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Game Play

This page is to discuss the way the game is played and how to build your accounts.


The hitlist is a way to earn additional income alongside properties. People will place a bounty on someone they want killed. There is a 20% listing fee that goes to the GodFather, the rest is up for grabs for anyone to get. In order to list someone, you will have to either go to their page. If you do it from their page, you are able to see how much it costs to list them. This is the minimum bounty amount, however you can increase that amount if you wish. You have to use the cash you have on hand and not in the bank in order to list them. You can only list 1/4 of your level below your current level, and any level at or above you. You must have retals for any players less than 5 levels below you to catch a bounty you place on them.

Limited Edition Items

These are items put out under Equipment Tab, under the Featured Items banner. They are bought with Favor Points. Each item will have an attack and defense boost to them. Due to the ever increasing amount of LE items, they will not be listed in this guide.

Palladium Knuckles

Palladium Knuckles are a Limited Edition item that you can only buy 10 of. These increase your punch damage by 1 when you punch another mobster.


Retaliations are given to you to attack another mobster who is lower than you when they attack you (and win). This can be either on the Attack list, on your page or on the Hit List. If you are hitlisted and the person is lower level then you, you will also gain retaliations.. The current ratio is 3 retals for every 1 win/list.

Experience and how to lose it

Experience is how you level up in the game. You gain experience by winning a fight against another mobster, doing a mission or sometimes from the Godmothers Daily Bonus. In the upper right hand corner under your name is your current level (in green) and a green bar underneath. That bar represents how much experience you have until you level up. You can go to your "My Mobster" page to view how much experience you need to level up. This can help you determine if you do another mission or not. To lose this experience, you can do a few options. You can attack another mobster and lose more health then you currently have, you can have someone else kill you, or you can go to the Godfather tab and scroll down to the Cyanide pill. This costs 2 favorpoints, but will eliminate your entire experience for the level you are on so you can start fresh again.

Navigating your Home Screen

Your home screen on mobsters may look a little confusing, and can look different depending on if you're on a mobile device or not. We will go over what your screen looks like and what everything means if you are on the computer. At the very top of the page, you have a red ribbon with a red hat and the word "Revenge" in the upper left corner. This is a quick way to get back to the home screen from where ever you are at on the page. Next you will see "Accounts". Clicking this will go to another screen and show you all the accounts you have, this also allows you to assign them a category (for your preference only. This has no effect on the game and others will not be able to see the categories). The next section is "Crown". This is where you can go to see what ID's are available to purchase. Each ID purchased from this list will give you a supporter crown and some additional benefits that it will explain. You are not obligated to buy an ID, there are plenty of free ones available. Next up is "Buy". This is a quick navigational tool to get to the favor point section if you choose to buy packs. You can check out the deals on the page. Following that you have Active which is for Active Mobs. This is a feature that costs you 5 USER favor points to send Energy and 5 USER favorpoints to collect cash. This is per Email and limited to 1,000 accounts. If you have more than 1,000 under 1 email then it will increase per 1,000 by 5 favor points. You should also note that at this time Active Mobs does NOT keep your account active, so you will need to login at least once every 14 days to prevent it from becoming inactive. The Gear icon with Log Out, well this will log you out of your current account and anyothers you have under this email.

Below the Red Bar, is a gray bar with your name and ID number in Red. It also will tell you what level you are. There is an arrow on the right side. You can click the gray bar and it will provide a drop down menu of all the accounts you have made so far, sorted by category (if you chose one). You can then easily switch between accounts that you want to play on or work on.

Below your name, you will see Cash. This will tell you how much cash you have on hand, to either list a mobster, purchase property, or purchase equipment. This cash is also able to be robbed by other players when they attack you and win. You will currently lose a maximum of $100,000 cash when attacked, however the Godfather keeps 30% so the attacker only gets $70,000. Next to the cash is Cash Flow. This will show you how much cash your properties will make you per hour (or less depending on your class and mission items). Next up is Health. This is how much health you have. You will start out with 100 health, and can increase this with skill points, mentioned later. Health is important for fighting mobsters. It is possible to get more than maximum health from the Godmothers Daily drop. When your health gets below the max, a timer will appear showing how long until 1 health point is restored. This will vary on your class and any mission items you have received. Next to your health is your Energy. Energy is used for doing Missions. You can get 200 Energy daily for free from the Godmother. If your energy bar is full, any energy you receive from either top mob, daily energy or from the daily drop will be added to your energy. When your energy hits 0, you will have to wait for it to replenish. A timer will appear telling you how many minutes until 1 energy is restored. Stamina is also used in fighting mobsters. This is used for attacking or punching mobsters. You can get more stamina by using your skill points, or by the Godmother's Daily drop. Finally on the right hand side you will see your Image, name, level, experience bar, and your mob size.

Below those bars you will have several gray tabs. Main- This takes you back to the home page where the Godmothers Honey do list is, daily energy and the broadcast. Missions- This will take you to do the missions. There are 4 sections within the missions page, which will be in another section. Territory- This is where you can buy property to increase your bounty and cash flow. Bank- This is where you can open and store your cash (limits apply, 1 billion dollars per level). There is a small fee to deposit your cash, but this cannot be stolen. Godfather- This is where you can buy favor points, use your points to get extra cash, refill health, energy or stamina, get hired guns and a few other options. This is also where the Daily bonus is, The lucky Draw and Capo's Cashout (similar to Powerball, however it has been discontinued) Attack- This is where you will find a list of mobsters your level that you can attack. This is also where your warsheets are stored. Hitlist- This is where marked mobsters will go, your chance to attack and kill them for the price put on their head. Equipment- This is where you can get the LE items, as well as regular items to purchase with cash to make your mobster more powerful. There is currently Weapons, Explosives, Armor, Vehicles and Henchmen as categories. Hospital- This is where you will go to heal yourself if you're injured. It will cost money to heal yourself, pulling from your bank. They can only heal you if your below 67% health. My Mob- This is where you can go to add people to your Top Mob, as well as see your current mobsters and any pending requests you may have from people wanting to add you to their mob. My Mobster- This tab is where you can adjust your skill points, choose to go to a Beta account, see who you've blocked on the broadcast, as well as set your family tag (4 characters max). Made Men- This is where you will see who the current Made Men are. There are 2 sections, Weekly and All time.

Below the gray bar you will see Social, Combat, Punch & Energy. Social- This is where you can click to see who's left you a comment if you don't want to check your wall, who's accepted your request, or who's sent you a request recently. The combat Tab will show you who's attacked you recently, who you've placed a bounty on or who you have successfully collected on the bounty. The Punch tab is where you can see who has punched you. The Energy tab is where you will see who has sent you energy, as well as who has returned energy you've sent them from your top mob. There is a Return All Energy button at the top you can select to speed up the returning of any energy you may receive.

The last few items will be rolled into 1 section. You will see a Red bar that says "We are trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. check it out". This is a way to check for any achievements you may have and collect the favor points as rewards. Under this banner you will have the Godmothers honey-do list. This is an optional portion of the game, it will list various tasks for you to do. It resets at 8pm Eastern. Completing these requests will earn you a random reward, possibly favor points or other items. There is a Red/Green face in the corner where you can minimize the window or expand it. Under the honey do list is the Code of conduct. You can read about that yourself. To the side you will have 3 links. The first one will be for Blackjack. There is a section explaining what that is. Under the Blackjack is a link to the daily bonus where you can get a variety of items. Under that is the Capo's cashout, a powerball type lottery system that has been discontinued. Under those items is a green Collect Daily Energy. This allows you to collect 200 free energy daily. This resets at 8pm Eastern as well. Below all this, you will see the broadcast and a box where you can type, search for gifs to post and see others talking.

On the side of your screen, you'll have a floating icon that resembles a wrench and screw driver. Clicking this opens a Game Tools menu. From here you will be able to quickly find a mobster by their ID, call a mobile hospital Or Search for mobster(s) by account name. The mobile hopsital will bring out a pop up onto your screen that you can drag where you want it. This allows you to chat in the broadcast, and heal if needed.

How to set up your account and what do I need?

Attack: This account you would focus your skill points on Health, Attack and Stamina. Defense: This account you would focus your skill points on Defense & Health. Energy: This account you would focus your skill points on Energy. Banks: This account you would focus your points wherever you would like, as its just for money purposes.

What do I need?

You will need at least 500 mobsters, that is the Max you will fight with, without hired guns or agents. Starting out, you will fight with 5 mobsters per level you are up to level 100. In the My Mob section, there is a fight with tool that will show you what you currently fight with for your level. Any levels after level 100, you will fight with hired guns.

Agents are similar to Hired guns, though they are not available for purchase right now. Instead they are offered through the Lucky Draw. Agents will work starting at level 1. The same rule applies here as to Hired Guns, you will fight with 5 per level.

You will also need to purchase equipment for your mobsters, so that they can effectively fight. You will use your mob cash or Favor Points for these items. You will want to make sure you have enough of Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Henchmen & Explosives to arm each of your mobsters with when fighting.

Some equipment you purchase or gain through missions will have an hourly upkeep. Make sure to buy property to keep your income in the positive range. When you buy property to keep your income in the positive, this will also raise your bounty at the same time, making it more expensive for other people to hire someone to kill you.

Missions, which will be shown on another page, require energy to complete them. Some of them also require you have a certain amount of mobsters, some may require you to have new mobsters. Some missions may also require equipment to complete, sometimes using that equipment.

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