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Attacking Mobsters & Warlists


The standard rule is 3 hits on a mobster at any given time, anythine more than that and many will consider you over attacking. The only exception to this is if you are on the Hitlist. Keep in mind this is just a guideline, in no way is this an official rule. Don't be surprised if the person you decided to attack numerous times lists you or hits you back and punches you to death. If you are in the hospital, you will need to heal yourself before you can attack another mobster.

You can punch another mobster from any level, however once they are in the hospital you will need to have police badges to do any further damage. Police badges are from a mission and will be on another page. You are able to punch them from the hospital and when you are dead currently.

Attack Tab

Clicking the Attack Tab will take you to a list of mobsters at your level, up to 5 levels below you, and up to 10 above you that you can attack. It will tell you their size (meaning how many mobsters they could potentially be fighting with). When you attack a fellow mobster, if you win the fight you will gain some money and experience. If you lose the fight, you will lose cash but will not lose any experience points.

Rivals Tab

The Rivals tab is located under the Attack tab. This tab will show you a list of mobsters who have attacked you and won (they won the fight). It will show many fights you have lost, and the amount of retals you have. If you have retals on a lower level, you will be able to attack that level until you run out of retals then you will get a pop up saying to find someone your own size to tangle with.


Warlists are where you can save mobsters you want to be able to find later to attack. You can create numerous warsheets under your account for no charge. You will first have to create a title for your warsheet, then click Create. Once you've created the warsheet, you can click on it and it'll load some options. First one will be Access. This is where you can add other id's (that aren't yours) to be able to view or edit your warsheet. If they are allowed to edit, they will be able to add or remove targets off your warsheet. The next menu option is to delete your warsheet. When you click that, it will require you to put a phrase in the box to confirm. This way you don't accidently delete your warsheet if you don't want to. The next menu is to add/edit Target. This is where you can add a target, add notes as to why they are on the warsheet and what their priority is. The last section is Remove Target. You will need to type in the ID you want to remove from the warsheet and it will remove it.

Underneath the options for the warsheet, is the warsheet itself. There will be a yellow Mass List option. This feature has currently been disabled and will tell you that all targets are dead, regardless of their status. The Warlist will show you the ID, the name on the game, their current level, Their priority (different colored skulls), how many deaths since they've been on the warsheet and finally their current status. Alive means they are not in the hospital and you can attack, Hospital means they're in the hospital and you have to punch or hitlist them, and Dead, well that means they're dead and you can't do anything.

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